⇲ Implement & Scale
A startup in digital health trained a risk model to open up a robust, precise, and scalable processing pipeline so providers could move faster, and patients could move with confidence after spinal surgery. 
Read the Case Study ⇢ 


    Thwart errors, relieve in-take form exhaustion, and build a more accurate data picture for patients in chronic pain? Those who prefer the natural albeit comprehensive path to health and wellness said: sign me up. 
    Read the Case Study ⇢ 


      Using a dynamic machine vision solution for detecting plaques in the carotid artery and providing care teams with rapid answers, saves lives with early disease detection and monitoring. 
      Read the Case Study ⇢ 


        man-wong-aSERflF331A-unsplash (1)-1
        This global law firm needed to be fast, adaptive, and provide unrivaled client service under pressure, intelligent automation did just that plus it made time for what matters most: meaningful human interactions. 
        Read the Case Study ⇢ 



          Mushrooms, Goats, and Machine Learning: What do they all have in common? You may never know unless you get started exploring the fundamentals of Machine Learning with Dr. Tim Oates, Synaptiq's Chief Data Scientist. You can read and visualize his new book in Python, tinker with inputs, and practice machine learning techniques for free. 

          Start Chapter 1 Now ⇢ 


            How Should My Company Prioritize AIQ™ Capabilities?





              Start With Your AIQ Score

                INDUSTRY AI SERVICE
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                CUSTOM AI SOLUTIONS


                How a Dynamic Machine Vision Solution Continuously Improves Construction Site Productivity and Safety

                Learn how Synaptiq’s dynamic machine vision solution for improving construction site productivity and safety delivered comprehensive business impact by prioritizing people and places.


                Synaptiq’s client, a large multinational construction company, wanted to improve efficiencies, reduce costs, and recognize the value of tapping into data within their organization. The client had high-resolution cameras on live construction sites that produced rich image and video data. They believed that leveraging these assets in new ways could improve cost and delivery efficiencies and feed into existing ERP systems.

                How can AI in construction spark ideas for your business?

                This solution can speed up or automate processes based on the awareness the machine vision provides; it can help with scheduling, finance streamlining, notification of upcoming events, and other automation, resulting in significant cost savings. Now is the time for AI in your industry.


                Synaptiq built a machine vision model that takes data from existing cameras (static images, time-lapse video recordings, and live video feeds) and provides automated image detections that can be used to monitor productivity and audit site safety. 

                Importantly, the model was built to be flexible, so that the client could select specific regions of interest in an image frame, and have the facility to add new types of objects to the model for training and detection in the future based on business needs. Our team provided documentation, training, and consulting on best practices for implementing and optimizing the model, which fed the data to a client-side dashboard. The client then used this dashboard to run reports, conduct analyses, and see patterns, so that they could make better-informed critical business decisions. 
                In summary, Synaptiq:
                • Built a machine vision model to monitor construction site activity remotely
                • Provided documentation, training, and consulting
                • Supplied data from our model to feed client dashboards for faster reporting and analysis


                Our client identified many immediate applications for this AI services solution. By unlocking the image and video data pixel-by-pixel, they receive automatic alerts when a lumber shipment comes in, track who is on-site, and receive notifications if a contractor is not wearing PPE.

                Detailed logs for each object are available as outputs for integration into existing back-end systems; this solution facilitates real-time monitoring and alerts related to project management, scheduling, health and safety, security, and other purposes.

                HUMANKIND OF IMPACT

                400,000 US-based construction managers could improve efficiency, safety, and compliance.


                0,000,000 need a construction human headline statement here.

                HUMANKIND OF IMPACT


                AI IS HOW WE DO IT,


                is why we do it