Our AI Impact

 for the health of people



 Our AI Impact

 for the health of planet



 Our AI Impact

 for the health of business



“The work [with Synaptiq] is unprecedented in its scale and potential impact,” Mortenson Center’s Managing Director Laura MacDonald MacDonald said. “It ties together our center’s strengths in impact evaluation and sensor deployment to generate evidence that informs development tools, policy, and practice.” 
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    ⇲ Implement & Scale
    A startup in digital health trained a risk model to open up a robust, precise, and scalable processing pipeline so providers could move faster, and patients could move with confidence after spinal surgery. 
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      Thwart errors, relieve in-take form exhaustion, and build a more accurate data picture for patients in chronic pain? Those who prefer the natural albeit comprehensive path to health and wellness said: sign me up. 
      Read the Case Study ⇢ 


        Using a dynamic machine vision solution for detecting plaques in the carotid artery and providing care teams with rapid answers, saves lives with early disease detection and monitoring. 
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          man-wong-aSERflF331A-unsplash (1)-1
          This global law firm needed to be fast, adaptive, and provide unrivaled client service under pressure, intelligent automation did just that plus it made time for what matters most: meaningful human interactions. 
          Read the Case Study ⇢ 



            Mushrooms, Goats, and Machine Learning: What do they all have in common? You may never know unless you get started exploring the fundamentals of Machine Learning with Dr. Tim Oates, Synaptiq's Chief Data Scientist. You can read and visualize his new book in Python, tinker with inputs, and practice machine learning techniques for free. 

            Start Chapter 1 Now ⇢ 


              How Should My Company Prioritize AIQ™ Capabilities?





                Start With Your AIQ Score

                  4 min read

                  Cross-Species Communication? Researchers Say AI is the Key

                  Featured Image

                  Photo by Bruce Janstrow on Unsplash

                  Technology Could Help Us Understand Animals

                  Although animals don’t “speak” like us, they do communicate.  In 1973,  Karl von Frisch discovered that honeybees tell their hive-mates about the distance and the direction of food by “dancing” — a revelation that earned him the Nobel Prize [1]. Other researchers have found that many more species, including whales, parrots, and iguanas, communicate via a variety of visual, auditory, tactile, chemical, and electrical signals. [2] 

                  A non-profit called the Earth Species Project aims to translate these signals into human language using artificial intelligence. They hope that cross-species communication will make humans more conscious of our ecological impact by unlocking a greater depth of understanding between us and other species.

                  We are developing technology that supports biologists and conservation 

                  Earth Species Project Co-Founder & President, Aza Raskin, to Discovery [3]

                  The Earth Species Project’s goal is ambitious but not unprecedented. A team of researchers spearheaded by the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, has developed an algorithm that decodes pigs' grunts to identify whether an individual animal is expressing positive or negative emotions. [4] In the short term, this tool could help farmers evaluate pig welfare. In the long term, it could fundamentally change our relationship with livestock. 

                  The Future of Conservation

                  An algorithm can tell us how pigs are feeling. In the future, more sophisticated tools might be able to decode what they feel — happy, sad, grateful, mad — and why. The implications are profound. Imagine what an animal specialist could achieve with the power to communicate with their subjects. Will future park rangers warn endangered species to avoid poachers? Will future veterinarians ask their patients, “Where does it hurt?”

                  These questions are highly speculative. We can’t predict how exactly artificial intelligence (AI) will advance cross-species communication. But we can be confident in AI’s growing presence in wildlife conservation, animal husbandry, and other fields connecting humankind to the natural world.  At Synaptiq, we understand that AI can help people live synergistically with nature. That’s why we say, “AI is the natural path forward.”


                  humankind of ai


                  About Synaptiq

                  Synaptiq is an AI and data science consultancy based in Portland, Oregon. We collaborate with our clients to develop human-centered products and solutions. We uphold a strong commitment to ethics and innovation. 

                  Contact us if you have a problem to solve, a process to refine, or a question to ask.

                  You can learn more about our story through our past projects, blog, or podcast

                  Additional Reading:

                  How to Safely Get Started with Large Language Models

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